brand building

Five crimes which damage your online brand

How your company is represented online impacts on the perception of your brand.

Here are five fundamental online ‘crimes’ which can damage your brand.

                              “Old news

When a website or social platform has Latest News items which are more than three months old, it infers that your business is less than dynamic.

If your most recent news item is two or three years old, the implicit message conveyed is that you either do not care or have nothing new to offer.

Any mentions of “innovation” in your text will appear ingenuous, if not reflected in a constant flow of new developments, projects, successful bids, personnel, equipment, products and services.

                              “Chronological order

There is value in demonstrating your expertise and heritage. However, if your company history and activity, starts from the oldest date, it gives an impression of regressive thinking.

By presenting timeline items in reverse chronological order (with the latest items first), you will reflect the brand’s dynamism and ensure higher ranking with search engines (as new content appears closer to the top of the page)!

The clean, clear, logical presentation of content, implies that your company applies a rational and organised philosophy to all your operations.


A fixed width website prevents the majority of your audience from viewing it appropriately on handheld devices.

Responsive‘ sites have been de rigeur since 2012. If your site width (and content) still does not scale to suit any device, it indicates a brand which has lost of touch with reality.


A logo which has remained unchanged for ten years or more makes a brand (and a business) look staid and unimaginative.

Brands need to regularly review their identity to ensure that the impression remains consistent, powerful and positive.

A change does not have to be radical, but even subtle alterations can ensure that an identity maintains freshness and impact.

                              “Visual Assets

When a website or social post relies entirely on stock library photography, it conveys a lack of creativity and transparency.

Professional video and photography of your facilities and personnel present an authentic and trustworthy view of your company.

An investment in high-quality imagery implicitly conveys a respect for your products, services and people.

In summary

All these components contribute to the way in which your brand is perceived.

By neglecting to maintain fresh content, current technology and accurate media, you risk representing your brand in a negative way.

If you recognise any of these vulnerabilities in your own online presence, seek professional advice today to represent your brand in the most positive light.

From Our Clients

Quotation Mark

.. a reliable and steadfast operator, with a keen sense of service. Innovative and contemporary, and operating within the upper echelon.

Matthew Gormly
Mönsterås, Sweden
Quotation Mark

Digital Tsunami is awesome.

Knowledge far beyond my expectations, led to the site being beautifully creative with simplicity, which is just perfect for a young female artist.

Andrew's patience and respect was impeccable, but what I loved most, was that he just knew what to do EVERY single time ... just the perfect web creator.

Thank you Digital Tsunami. Thank you Andrew

Jenna Dearness Dark
recording artist
Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
Quotation Mark

.. very knowledgeable, creative and patient while also pushing me to work through the many decisions such a project involves.

Corinna Sager
Montclair, New York, USA
Lifestyle International
Quotation Mark

Central to the development process is Digital Tsunami’s thorough understanding of the project needs, clear and constant communication, and creative, innovative and meticulous approach to delivering solutions.

Sharon Don
General Manager, Products and Services
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Personal Broadband Australia
Quotation Mark

Clients have really appreciated the video .. sales staff are so pleased to have this tool. It is very empowering to show.

Anisa Meriem Telwar
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Anisa International
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