Hong Kong LinkedIn Consultant Steve Bruce has posted “Fake Profiles & Fake Connection Requests are a Growing Problem on LinkedIn“ Researchers at Stanford Internet Observatory have revealed a network of 1,000+ LinkedIn profiles from 70+ companies that are using Ai computer-generated images with fake pictures and details. This emphasises the necessity for selectivity in accepting connection …Read More…
Search Results: LinkedIn
Five minutes with The Australia China Business Council (ACBC). Acknowledgement to the NSW branch for presenting this Member Spotlight. Tell us about your business and how you’ve leveraged your Australia-China connections to build your success in China? Even before living in Hong Kong throughout the nineties, I had a strong interest in China and …Read More…
LinkedIn is an excellent, online, professional networking platform. Some people like it so much that they have multiple profiles! It is advisable to: keep titles, companies, skill, accreditations and education current; write and upload posts and updates; endorse those you know; create projects and invite people with whom you are working to connect. While it is not uncommon …Read More…
Increasingly, companies are embracing the importance of engaging in a conversation on social media, in order to build brand recognition and communicate directly with consumers. But faced with a plethora of platforms, many are asking us, “Which social media are relevant to my company?” Our answer is that whilst there is no ‘cookie cutter’ formula, the choices you …Read More…
Video has impact. Visually, emotionally, commercially and especially on SEO. For intensely visual humans, the power of strong video lies in converting images instantly into emotions. For search engines, conveying data by video elevates the ranking in organic search results. Three videos which I have presented recently in LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media, are …Read More…
LinkedIn is an exceptionally valuable platform for professional networking. It serves to provide information on potential employers, candidates, suppliers, partners, clients and competitors. It enables conversation through group discussions, advertisement through targeted banners and status updates, and allows validation of capabilities through ‘endorsements’. Recent changes on LinkedIn included the much greater emphasis on validating the …Read More…
LinkedIn has continued its interface evolution with the launch of a refined format. Amongst the latest changes are: replacement of the LinkedIn logo with the “in” icon (in the top left of the screen) a hidden main nav, which slides down when the cursor is at the top of the page status updates elevated to …Read More…
All the image measurements for your brand’s social media presence, in one (extensive) infographic. For more graphical information, search our recent infographic blogs or visit our Pinterest board. Source: tentsocial.com
Corporate communications in 2013, I believe, with focus on three key areas: Mobile. Social. Video. The Internet is nearly 20 years old, so many aspects have become relatively mature, in terms of technology, suppliers and standards. SEO, CMS and Usability are familiar to most ‘C level’ executives and are generally well-researched and implemented. So where is …Read More…
I love Ray Bans. Always have. For 40 years, I’ve been a loyal customer and advocate. In the seventies, and since, I have owned many pairs of each of the Aviator, Shooter, Outdoorsman, Wayfarer and Clubmaster styles. Even the frames for some of my reading glasses are Ray Ban. My respect for the brand originated …Read More…