How your company is represented online impacts on the perception of your brand. Here are five fundamental online ‘crimes’ which can damage your brand. “Old news“ When a website or social platform has Latest News items which are more than …Read More…

How your company is represented online impacts on the perception of your brand. Here are five fundamental online ‘crimes’ which can damage your brand. “Old news“ When a website or social platform has Latest News items which are more than …Read More…
Five minutes with The Australia China Business Council (ACBC). Acknowledgement to the NSW branch for presenting this Member Spotlight. Tell us about your business and how you’ve leveraged your Australia-China connections to build your success in China? Even before living in Hong Kong throughout the nineties, I had a strong interest in China and …Read More…
Foodbank in Australia has just launched a new identity for the brand across the country. Devised by the advertising agency Havas (Sydney) the new branding will rollout over coming months, to distribution centres, vehicles, apparel and marketing collaterals. Havas also supplied an animated video which tells the Foodbank story simply and succinctly. Foodbank is the largest hunger …Read More…
By now, you may have repeatedly heard that if Facebook was a country, it would be the third largest (by population) in the world. Facebook is a massive platform for brands. As a part of a customised eStrategy, Digital Tsunami counsels brands on the use of Facebook pages for their products and services, to access a global market of …Read More…
Corporate communications in 2013, I believe, with focus on three key areas: Mobile. Social. Video. The Internet is nearly 20 years old, so many aspects have become relatively mature, in terms of technology, suppliers and standards. SEO, CMS and Usability are familiar to most ‘C level’ executives and are generally well-researched and implemented. So where is …Read More…
Intensely concise, subliminal television advertisements (known as ‘blip-verts’), were released on an unsuspecting world in 1985. Some viewers died! Network 23, (responsible for creating blip-verts), went out of business a few years later. Blip-verts, Network 23 and the cyberpunk futuristic vision of “Max Headroom” were all fictional! However, the appetite in today’s developed society for ever-briefer snippets …Read More…
On the day that we officially recognise the birth of Australia as a modern national entity, we can be proud to acknowledge some of the Australians who have carried the name of Australia to the world. Whether an individual appointed manager of the New Yorker magazine at the age of 26, a company providing technology …Read More…
I love Ray Bans. Always have. For 40 years, I’ve been a loyal customer and advocate. In the seventies, and since, I have owned many pairs of each of the Aviator, Shooter, Outdoorsman, Wayfarer and Clubmaster styles. Even the frames for some of my reading glasses are Ray Ban. My respect for the brand originated …Read More…
Within hours of his injury at the first hurdle at the 2012 London Olympics, Liu Xiang’s (刘翔) sponsor Nike, had press ads in China newspapers, praising his spirit of competition. Sports sponsors select winners, likely winners and high profile events precisely in order to associate their brands with success. Negative outcomes (especially cheating, or unacceptable social behaviour) …Read More…
Are you concerned that your online footprint is not as effective, accessible or integrated as it could be? Digital Tsunami will conduct a FREE web audit, analysing your web presence, professional and social media, and provide an introductory report on enhancements which could be made in: Accessibility Branding Content Management Systems (CMS) Currency Customer Relationship Management …Read More…