WhatsApp has announced that it will no longer charge users an annual subscription fee. The messenger app, particularly popular in Europe, parts of Asia (including Hong Kong), and South America, has seen massive growth in recent years and is close to attaining a billion users. WhatsApp used to charge US$0.99 per year (after a free 12 …Read More…
Search Results: social
What should be the focus of marketing for your business this year? We believe that the three keys for 2016 are: AR China video ALL brands should now have a responsive site with SEO, be engaging in conversation with clients / customers, stakeholders and the public on social media and be utilising appropriate video solutions or apps on mobile. Augmented …Read More…
Predictions are a dangerous thing. As the Danish Physicist Niels Bohr stated: “Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future.” At this time last year, I indicated that marketing focus throughout 2015 should be on three key things: Video China UGC My rationale was: due to the immense volume of video online, exceptional …Read More…
Of the 70 million Pinterest users1, 49 million are in the USA and 85% are female2. In fact 42% of adult American women have a Pinterest account. Retailers recognise the immense buying power which this represents. Pinterest is a site which enables users to upload and collate photographs and videos linked to other webpages. Users …Read More…
What should be the focus of marketing for your business this year? Certainly not some which we have identified in past years. Because by now, ALL brands should have a responsive site with SEO, be engaging in conversation with clients / customers, stakeholders and the public on social media and be utilising appropriate video solutions or apps on mobile. We believe …Read More…
Increasingly, companies are embracing the importance of engaging in a conversation on social media, in order to build brand recognition and communicate directly with consumers. But faced with a plethora of platforms, many are asking us, “Which social media are relevant to my company?” Our answer is that whilst there is no ‘cookie cutter’ formula, the choices you …Read More…
The image sharing site Pinterest, has become second only to Facebook in terms of importance for referral links. In the first quarter of 2014, Pinterest drove 48.36% more traffic than it did at the end of 2013! This fact was revealed in the “1st Quarter 2014 edition of the Shareaholic Social Media Traffic Report”, published …Read More…
Video has impact. Visually, emotionally, commercially and especially on SEO. For intensely visual humans, the power of strong video lies in converting images instantly into emotions. For search engines, conveying data by video elevates the ranking in organic search results. Three videos which I have presented recently in LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media, are …Read More…
Last year, we predicted that the three most critical promotional tools for the year were mobile social media video This proved true, and these three will remain essential in 2014. However, the success of each has necessitated even greater effectiveness to attain cut-through in markets where there is massive competition for customer attention. Here are …Read More…
At a “Place Pins” launch at the San Francisco headquarters of Pinterest, CEO Ben Silbermann stated that the site now has 750 million location-specific pins, to which users are adding 1.5 million pins every day. Pinterest is a site which enables users to upload and collate photographs and videos linked to other webpages. Users ‘pin’ …Read More…