Since the mid 1990’s, Digital Tsunami has contributed to the birth and growth of brands in the building, construction and engineering sector. These contributions have encompassed extraordinary visuals, multi-national companies, multi-lingual videos, massive infrastructure projects and identity for start-up enterprises. Literally building brands! Digital Tsunami has built websites for the 8 billion dollar property portfolio …Read More…

In 2016, Andrew W Morse was again invited by WMA founder Bill Rice, to join a select group on the international judging panel of the WebAwards. With a long history of visual communications and digital media, the founder of Digital Tsunami has considerable expertise to analyse and comment on submitted sites. Judging criteria Created in 1996 (the same year …Read More…

web design

Predictions are a dangerous thing. As the Danish Physicist Niels Bohr stated: “Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future.” At this time last year, I indicated that marketing focus throughout 2015 should be on three key things: Video China UGC My rationale was: due to the immense volume of video online, exceptional …Read More…

communications solutions

Swan Hill joins Hong Kong, Singapore and Macau as a host city to a light and sound spectacular. Celebrating its 50th year of operation, the riverside Pioneer Settlement has invested over $3.8 million in the state-of-the-art multimedia laser light show, an augmented reality experience, and freshly renovated venues. Located on the Victorian side of the Murray …Read More…


Digital Tsunami offers an extensive range of solutions. It is rare that a client requires ALL these are delivered within a single project, however recently this was the case. In July, founder of Digital Tsunami and veteran marketing professional Andrew W Morse, was commissioned as Creative Director for the promotion of 168 luxury apartments in …Read More…

Fearless is an annual conference for female business owners and managers, convened by the Australian Business Club for women, She Business. Fearless 2015, to be held on 2 December at the waterfront Crystal Palace, Sydney, will feature prominent businesswomen as speakers and conversation leaders. In 2014, Digital Tsunami developed a responsive microsite to a design by Sydney creative agency Studio Popsicle. Developed …Read More…

Digital Tsunami has launched the 2015 online Annual Review, Financial Report and Property Portfolio of the Investa Office Fund (ASX:IOF). This site is the second which Digital Tsunami has developed to the instructions of Sydney creative shop Design Davey. Managed by Investa Property Group, the IOF is one of the largest office real estate companies in Australia and a leading residential and …Read More…

Of the 70 million Pinterest users1, 49 million are in the USA and 85% are female2. In fact 42% of adult American women have a Pinterest account. Retailers recognise the immense buying power which this represents. Pinterest is a site which enables users to upload and collate photographs and videos linked to other webpages. Users …Read More…

While the aviation sector looks to cleaner ways to fly, business air travellers can choose to contribute to either carbon emissions or carbon offsets. Those who consider the impact to the environment of their international and domestic aviation, may invest in carbon offsets. As I travel to multiple cities over several weeks next month, I am well aware of …Read More…

Digital Tsunami has developed and launched a site using responsive design, for professional cameraman Matt Gormly. Matt shoots for clients and on locations around the world. Travelling Matt is the company name given to Matt Gormly by Andrew W Morse, when Matt started flying and working around the globe. The two met in Australia in 1991, just …Read More…