Foodbank Victoria website launched

A new web presence has just launched for Foodbank Victoria, a state-wide logistics supplier, providing a warehousing and distribution conduit between the food producers, manufacturers and retailers and the hundreds of charities and community groups which feed hungry families and individuals across the state.


Foodbank Victoria is part of Foodbank in Australia, the largest hunger relief organisation in the country.

The original web strategy was conceived by advertising agency Euro RSCG (now Havas Worldwide), and the design was a result of a close collaboration with Digital Tsunami and the client.

Digital Tsunami developed a sophisticated web presence for the national organisation Foodbank in Australia, which has been progressively deployed for each of the state and territory organisations.

In 2012-2013, Foodbank Victoria distributed nearly 10 million meals to those in need. The statistics are impressive:

  • of those assisted, 37% were children
  • donations were received from 284 farmers, manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers
  • 546 community partners helped distribute food to those in need
  • 25,000 hours of support was donated by corporate, skilled and permanent volunteers and disability group members
  • every month, 125,000 Victorians facing crisis, were assisted
  • 4,953,751 kilograms of food were distributed across the state
  • the equivalent of 9,902,502 meals (of 500g each), were provided to the community

View a raft of videos on Foodbank Victoria’s YouTube channel.

The website features full-screen vectored background images, dynamic statistics, integrated videos, archived publications, donation forms with secure e.commerce, and hierarchical access to a sophisticated and easy-to-use WordPress content management system (CMS).

From the start of 2000 to the end of 2013, Digital Tsunami provided thousands of hours of creative and technical support to Foodbank in Australia on a pro-bono basis, as a corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative. This support has culminated in the development, hosting and technical support of this contemporary web presence for Foodbank at national, state and territory levels.

From Our Clients

Quotation Mark

I am very happy with my new website from Digital Tsunami.

Not only did they design it, they also created my logo, and gave me valuable advice and professional feedback.

Through Digital Tsunami, my website now looks professional, easy to navigate and (through my customised CMS), easy to update.

Thomas Rydell
Eskilstuna, Sweden
Quotation Mark

You are a true professional Andrew, and your team was very impressive.

The results will be seen around the globe shortly as we embark on our new advertising campaign. I do greatly appreciate the extra lengths you went to under difficult circumstances, to help us achieve our goal.

Jamie MacDonald
Senior Manager, Consumer Marketing & Planning
Hong Kong
Hong Kong Tourism Board
Quotation Mark

We continue to be impressed by the standard of service and advice. We not only get quality web design and implementation, but also honest feedback and suggestions which are crucial to the final product.

Roger Christie
Web Project Manager
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Sefiani Communications Group
Quotation Mark

Digital Tsunami is awesome.

Knowledge far beyond my expectations, led to the site being beautifully creative with simplicity, which is just perfect for a young female artist.

Andrew's patience and respect was impeccable, but what I loved most, was that he just knew what to do EVERY single time ... just the perfect web creator.

Thank you Digital Tsunami. Thank you Andrew

Jenna Dearness Dark
recording artist
Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
Quotation Mark

Once again, thanks for your promptness and partnership.

The current challenge of my job at Abbott is one of the greatest I've faced in 25 years of IT career. It's reassuring to know I can count on people like you when things go wrong.

Claudio Falcão Gomes
Head of IT
Botany, NSW, Australia
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