Pinterest infographic

The dramatic rise of Pinterest in one easy-to-read infographic.


For more graphical information, search our recent infographic blogs or visit our Pinterest board.


From Our Clients

Quotation Mark

We have been a client of Digital Tsunami now for a number of years.

As an ASX listed company, we seek reliability with our suppliers. Digital Tsunami have proven they are reliable and trustworthy multiple times.

We host multiple websites and services through them, and use them for technical and creative work.

There has never been an issue, they are always on top of all technical details, and simply provide the best possible solution around a given budget, and get things right first time. Clearly they have excellent quality controls and that shows in their services.

Adam Connell
Marketing Executive
Adelaide, SA, Australia
Quotation Mark

You did excellent work with the site.

Dottore Michele Dal Trozzo
Gonzaga, Italy
Gonzagarredi Soc. Coop.
Quotation Mark

I have enjoyed working with you on this important project and have been particularly impressed by your company's professionalism. The speed and accuracy of your work has been first rate and your creative input has been instrumental to the success of the project.

Chris Gordon
Communications Manager
Hong Kong
Leighton Asia
Quotation Mark

When I need a comprehensive online strategy and innovative solutions to achieve results for an important client, Andrew is the only person I need to call.

Sean Aley
North Sydney, NSW, Australia
Said Studio
Quotation Mark

Thank you for all your efforts in creating our new website which achieves our agreed objectives : elegantly smart, yet understated, professional and easy to use.

Terry A. Spinolo
Managing Director
Hong Kong
Inarc Design Asia Group
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