The Mobile Consumer – 2012 statistics
March 19, 2013Nielsen has just released a report “The Mobile Consumer. A Global Snapshot, February 2013”
The research covers 9 countries across 5 continents: Australia, Brazil, China, India, Italy, Russia, South Korea, United Kingdom, United States.
Interesting data reveals world leadership by the rapidly developing BRIC countries:
- In Brazil, 75% of the respondents use their mobiles for social networking, far higher than any other country in the survey
- 97% of the population in Russia (age 16+) owns a mobile phone, (only South Korea is higher at 98%)
- The country where mobile video viewing has most affected TV viewing is India, where 28% of respondents reported watching less traditional TV
- The highest frequency of mobile video views is in China, where 17% of smartphone owners watch mobile video more than 3 times a day
The statistics include:
- owner demographics
- ownership of types of phones
- multiple device ownership
- mobile phone plans and costs
- purchase location and criteria
- mobile apps used
- mobile video hours and methods
- the impact on TV viewing time
- mobile advertising
According to Nielsen’s Global New Product Report (January 2013), the Internet has an increasingly important influence upon consumers researching new products. The use of the Internet by prospective buyers is significant in categories such as electronics (81%), appliances (77%), books (70%), music (69%), new clothing (69%) and cars (68%).
In Nielsen’s just released Australian Automotive Report 2012, data shows that Australians’ research of new car purchases on mobile devices has doubled (29% up from 14% last year).
Most of this research is still via laptops (64%) and desktop computers (62%), while research increased via mobile phones (29%) and tablets (26%).
Among new car buyers who have engaged with organisations on social platforms, 28% have engaged with a car brand, up from 18 per cent in 2011. However, the study of over 1,000 car buyers, indicated that Australians still prefer visiting dealerships over online research.
The Global New Product Report even charts a formula for success with online sales. On page 20, a circular diagram itemises the components which contribute to the greatest product sales. Perhaps unsurprisingly, these include: a clear, concise message; superior quality; brand credibility; online accessibility; delivery on promises and product loyalty.
To maximise the impact of your brand in mobile, contact us today.
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