Inarc wins Asia/Pacific Interior Design awards

Hong-based, interior and architectural practice Inarc Design, has won two prestigious awards in the 2012-2013 Asia Pacific Property Awards.

The Best Office Interior Design, Hong Kong was awarded to Inarc for its work on the Centralized Monitoring Centre, 37/F Exchange Square, Central, Hong Kong for Hongkong Land Limited.

This ultra-modern facility combines banks of monitors in the master control room with warm timbers and contemporary furnishings to provide an efficient and calm environment.

The Best Leisure Interior Design, Hong Kong award, was recognition for Inarc’s sumptuous interiors of the Derby Restaurant & Bar, in The Hong Kong Jockey Club’s Happy Valley Clubhouse.

The signature international restaurant and bar, and private function rooms on two floors of The Hong Kong Jockey Club, establish a prestigious yet comfortable restaurant ambience appropriate to international fine dining.

Both awards were part of the 2012-2013 Asia/Pacific region, determined by an international panel of judges. In association with HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad and the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors Asia, the Asia Pacific Property Awards are a regional component of the globally renowned International Property Awards, which has become the world’s most prestigious property competition.

Inarc Design commenced in Hong Kong in 1988, and has provided interior design and architectural design consultancy for corporate, hospitality and retail clients in countries across Asia and in Europe.

The Australian born principal, Tony Spinolo, has extensive creative design and professional project management expertise.

Inarc commissioned Digital Tsunami to develop a bold and impressive web interface for the company to showcase its work across the region and around the globe. Full-screen project images are featured and viewable by reducing the navigational panel to a minimal vertical strip. Individual projects include photo galleries which display enlargements in a slideshow.

Digital Tsunami has a strong heritage of delivering solutions to the building, construction and engineering sector. Amongst the clients to which solutions have been delivered are Barclay Mowlem, Bilfinger Berger (GBFG:FRA), Leighton International (LEI:ASX) and Group One.

From Our Clients

Quotation Mark

Andrew and his team at Digital Tsunami were the developers behind our micro site for Fearless.

I like the way they work (efficient, effective) and delivered a great site, on time.

Suzy Jacobs
Founder & Chief Inspiration Officer
Sydney, NSW, Australia
She Business
Quotation Mark

It is clear from the enthusiasm and professionalism shown, that Digital Tsunami views each client as a long term partner contributing ideas above and beyond the development of the site and we look forward to involving them in future marketing initiatives.

Angelo Mastropietro
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Kinetic Recruitment
Quotation Mark

Andrew and his team have supported Foodbank by providing web services for more than a decade.

In fact, they have just undertaken the first complete redevelopment of the original Foodbank website they built for us, and have been maintaining so ably since.

Andrew is creative and passionate and helps us to keep up, constantly looking for new ways to add value and improve our online communications channels.

John Webster
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Foodbank Australia
Quotation Mark

Central to the development process is Digital Tsunami’s thorough understanding of the project needs, clear and constant communication, and creative, innovative and meticulous approach to delivering solutions.

Sharon Don
General Manager, Products and Services
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Personal Broadband Australia
Quotation Mark

The launch .. was a success. We were able to present this live on a Wireless connection during our Sydney, Australia sales conference on a location with very limited internet bandwidth. This proves the technology used .. renders light webpages which are easy to download on a browser.

Comments I've heard from our employees were all positive and reflected precisely what we were looking for: a simple but concise, clean and effective webpage.

We acknowledge the timeframe given to you was extremely short but nevertheless you have sucessfully delivered the project on schedule .. the critical success factor was communication and availability of Digital Tsunami's team.

I am very glad we were able to partner with such a professional team as yours and I am confident any other initiatives with you will be as successful.

Claudio Falcão Gomes
IT Manager
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Solvay Pharmaceuticals
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