Responsive design for listed property fund

Digital Tsunami has launched the 2015 online Annual Review, Financial Report and Property Portfolio of the Investa Office Fund (ASX:IOF).

This site is the second which Digital Tsunami has developed to the instructions of Sydney creative shop Design Davey.

Managed by Investa Property Group, the IOF is one of the largest office real estate companies in Australia and a leading residential and industrial land developer with properties across Australia and in Europe.

WIth a bold and interactive geometric structure, the responsive design site displays appropriately on any device from smartphones, phablets, tablets and laptops to the largest desktop computer screen.

Infographics, sliders, and videos add dynamism to the mass of data and imagery presented in the site.

Despite the relatively short time window available, between the date of information confirmation and the ASX compliance date, the Digital Tsunami team, headed by Technical Director Amir Mostofi, delivered a powerful and effective presence.

Contact Digital Tsunami today to discuss the ‘Communications Evolution’ of your brand.

From Our Clients

Quotation Mark

I don't know what you do, but you do it well.

Aimee An Duffy
Gwynedd, Wales
Quotation Mark

Since 2003, Digital Tsunami has collaborated with Personal Broadband Australia to deliver many online solutions, including the latest site.

Central to the development process is Digital Tsunami's thorough understanding of the project needs, clear and constant communication, and creative, innovative and meticulous approach to delivering solutions.

The results are clean, intuitive, refined and cohesive, with rapidly loading pages and extremely high usability.

The benefit to PBA of this long-term relationship has been the highly effective way in which Digital Tsunami has implemented and enhanced my vision on every project.

Sharon Don
General Manager, Products and Services
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Personal Broadband Australia
Quotation Mark

I am very happy with my new website from Digital Tsunami.

Not only did they design it, they also created my logo, and gave me valuable advice and professional feedback.

Through Digital Tsunami, my website now looks professional, easy to navigate and (through my customised CMS), easy to update.

Thomas Rydell
Eskilstuna, Sweden
Quotation Mark

Service delivery is precisely what was asked, while respecting deadlines and budget constraints. Digital Tsunami are very good value for money, particularly for quick wins without long pre-planning project phases.

Claudio Falcão Gomes
Head of IT
Pymble, NSW, Australia
Solvay Pharmaceuticals
Quotation Mark

.. organised, meticulously detailed and yet flexible - always serving client needs to the highest standards. From a client perspective, you can expect high quality, timely completion and minimal fuss.

Michael Ney
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Sensory Image
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