Social Networks for Business

Why are so many infographics based on social networks and business?

Simply because social networks are so critical to marketing and the numbers just keep increasing. Plus, they make for great visuals!

This infographic from the folks at SDL | SM2 concisely presents and evaluates the top nine social media networks for business.

Companies are increasingly utilising YouTube as a highly cost effective global broadcast platform with an inbuilt search engine and social distribution network.

 offers access to over 160 million professionals around the globe (and their companies).

Brands, from a range as diverse as major film studios and philanthropic organisations, are creating and maintaining Facebook pages for their products and services, to access a global market of almost one billion consumers.

Pinterest, Twitter, FourSquare and others may seem, (and may be), peripheral to your marketing strategy, but an informed understanding of social media and an effective custom strategy is critical for every business.

(click to zoom)

Source  SDL | SM2



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