In 2013, mobile phones will overtake desktops as the most commonly used device to access the web. This infographic from KissMetrics demonstrates some of the dramatic changes which are occurring. One study found that the mention of a location or city name in a mobile ad can improve click-through rates by 200%. (Click image to enlarge) …Read More…
Search Results: retail
For 4 weeks at the end of 2102, Australian shoppers were invited to buy Helga’s or Wonder White for their daily bread, and help those in need. For each loaf purchased, Goodman Fielder committed to providing another loaf to Foodbank. The target of the campaign was 3 million loaves. The target was attained. Chris Delaney, …Read More…
The pace of change continues to accelerate. UK smartphone owners spend twice as much time online, than they do on voice calls. British telco O2 has reported that each day, UK smartphone owners on average, spend 24.8 minutes browsing the web, 17.5 minutes on social networks and 14.4 minutes playing games, but only 12.1 minutes actually …Read More…
The FUJITSU Group has continued its constant pursuit of innovation, with a responsive web / mobile site named Technology Perspectives. With the visual style of Pinterest, the structure of a blog and the technological expertise of one of the world’s largest information and communication technology (ICT) companies, this is a platform of exceptionally interesting information. …Read More…
We are not yet in the world of “Jonathan E”, where the world and the Rollerball teams are run by global sector monopolies (Transport, Food, Communications, Housing, Luxury, and Energy). However, today, the revenues of the world’s biggest corporations (and the major banks who hold their stock) are larger than many national economies. Seven of …Read More…
Projections have just been updated by Forrester Research for the next 5 years of U.S. m.commerce The reputable company predicts that US mobile payments will reach US$90 billion by 2017, a 48% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from the US$12.8 billion spent in 2012. Forrester’s five-year mobile payments forecast segments mobile payments into three categories: in-store mobile …Read More…
For low-income families, homeless teens or elderly pensioners in Australia, hunger is part of daily life. Goodman Fielder and Foodbank Australia are taking concrete action to reduce hunger. Foodbank Australia is the nation’s largest hunger relief organisation, offering a logistics conduit between the food industry’s surplus product and the welfare sector’s need. In 2011, the organisation …Read More…
I love Ray Bans. Always have. For 40 years, I’ve been a loyal customer and advocate. In the seventies, and since, I have owned many pairs of each of the Aviator, Shooter, Outdoorsman, Wayfarer and Clubmaster styles. Even the frames for some of my reading glasses are Ray Ban. My respect for the brand originated …Read More…
Most people acknowledge that advertising can often, at some level, be equated with deception. In text, it may be the clear, concise statement of positives and avoidance of negative inference. In images, it may be the casting of an actor, or at very least, a person with slightly better than average skintone. These are accepted …Read More…
Within hours of his injury at the first hurdle at the 2012 London Olympics, Liu Xiang’s (刘翔) sponsor Nike, had press ads in China newspapers, praising his spirit of competition. Sports sponsors select winners, likely winners and high profile events precisely in order to associate their brands with success. Negative outcomes (especially cheating, or unacceptable social behaviour) …Read More…