communications solutions

Merging duplicate profiles in LinkedIn

LinkedIn is an excellent, online, professional networking platform.

Some people like it so much that they have multiple profiles!

It is advisable to: keep titles, companies, skill, accreditations and education current; write and upload posts and updates; endorse those you know; create projects and invite people with whom you are working to connect.

While it is not uncommon for a person who has left a job to retain a title and company name (sometimes for months) until they land a new role, it is preferable to avoid multiple profiles.

LinkedIn enables us to merge duplicate profiles of people to whom we are connected.

Under ‘My Network’, ‘Connections’
select ‘Filter by’, ‘Potential Duplicates’

A list appears with the portrait, name, title and company of any of our connections with the same name.

If you know more than one person named ‘David Brown’, you can uncheck a box next to the name. If you are connected to people who have duplicate profiles, you can click the box ‘select all’ and then ‘combine’ to merge all these profiles.

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional online network. By merging duplicate profiles, we can keep our connection data accurate as well.

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NOTE: No professionals were harmed during the making of this blog.
Consider it advertising, David!

From Our Clients

Quotation Mark

Thanks very much for the speed & professionalism with which you continue to service our needs, despite the fact that this is provided pro bono !

Your ongoing generosity in donating the services of Digital Tsunami to Foodbank is appreciated more than you know. We, and the 30,000 people a day you help us feed, are indebted to you.

Bronwyn Boekenstein
North Ryde, NSW, Australia
Quotation Mark

Andrew and his team have provided consistently good service and met both our needs and expectations. He certainly knows his stuff and delivers workable web solutions in a highly professional manner.

Dr Adrian Cohen
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Immediate Assistants
Quotation Mark

Andrew W Morse and the Digital Tsunami team are world class, creative professionals in the challenging and highly competitive business of web page design and utilisation.

He understands business, he understands marketing, he understands communication and he understands design. And most importantly, his web pages pay for themselves within weeks of going online.

Laurie K. Gilbert
Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
Quotation Mark

We continue to be impressed by the standard of service and advice. We not only get quality web design and implementation, but also honest feedback and suggestions which are crucial to the final product.

Roger Christie
Web Project Manager
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Sefiani Communications Group
Quotation Mark

Your team has been great to work with. Tamara is very quick to catch on to things and Amir's code and CSS has impressed David due to its' simplicity and elegance.

Ian Brand
Manager - Information Services
Adelaide, SA, Australia
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