2023: A year in review

The year just concluding was a year of transitions.

A gradual recovery following the global impact of Covid; the resolution of a screen industry strike over the application of AI; the demise of banknotes; the professional delivery of advanced solutions; a pivot back to focusing on screen production, and the birth of a brand.

In the Covid years, a general market retraction significantly diminished demand for marketing communications as many companies entered ‘voluntary hibernation‘.

Emerging from this hiatus, many companies were forced to rethink business models and consider more efficient methods of production, distribution, and monetisation. Automation of all processes (including customer-facing communications) were scrutinised and implemented to reduce cost and transaction time, or transformed to recurrent income subscription models and premium offerings, in order to not just increase profit margins, but in some cases, simply remain economically viable!

An accelerating dependence on electronic solutions (expressed in the Digital Tsunami brandline ‘Communications Evolution‘), included rapid deployment of Artificial Intelligence, prompting a strike by Hollywood writers and performers, concerned by potential exploitation of their work and likenesses.

Digital currency transactions around the globe attained a new milestone in March, as Sweden fundamentally eliminated cash transactions. In 2012, six major Swedish banks jointly launched the electronic payment app Swish, now utilized extensively throughout the nation. The country which introduced the first banknotes in Europe in 1661, and the first ATM in Europe in 1967, now almost entirely conducts payments electronically, with fewer than 6% of transactions in cash.

National instability within Europe and the Middle East stimulated growth for personal protection and ballistic products, which resulted in Australian defence contractor XTEK adopting the name of the American ballistic manufacturer which it had previously acquired, and rebranding as HighCom.

Digital Tsunami registered new domain names, shot video and photography in Canberra and developed a web presence for HighCom.group.

Early in the year, Andrew W Morse was invited to join the producing team on an Australian crime drama feature film. The invitation (from a colleague on projects of the 80’s and 90’s), re-invigorated a long career which had been subsumed by a quarter century of delivering digital solutions to global and multinational brands.

As a result, Andrew began exploring and initiating his own screen projects, negotiating options for books and screenplays and engaging researchers on stories of extraordinary events.

This culminated in the creation of the Ensō Screen brand as a platform for production of high quality television series and feature films. The ensō is a Japanese Zen symbol of the wholistic nature of our world and the pursuit of perfection.

Key projects in development are listed on the Ensō Screen web presence, and will be promoted at the Screen Forever conference and market in March.

The advances made over 2023 will expand in 2024, as Ensō Screen embarks on international co-productions of high production value screen series.

In 2024 may you experience a safe, healthy, happy, and creatively satisfying year.


From Our Clients

Quotation Mark

I am very happy with my new website from Digital Tsunami.

Not only did they design it, they also created my logo, and gave me valuable advice and professional feedback.

Through Digital Tsunami, my website now looks professional, easy to navigate and (through my customised CMS), easy to update.

Thomas Rydell
Eskilstuna, Sweden
Quotation Mark

I recently engaged Digital Tsunami to design and build my 60-page website. I'm a website copywriter who relies heavily on web-generated business, so my own online presence needs to be impeccable.

The solution that Digital Tsunami supplied is brilliant. It meets my needs perfectly; it's clean, bold, elegant, fast, and easy to edit. I've had lots of very positive feedback about it, and since launch, my request for quote rate and conversion rate have increased markedly.

The team at Digital Tsunami was incredibly responsive, delivering a solution well ahead of deadline. Their technical knowledge was exceptional, they were innovative, and they were very meticulous. What's more, they understood my business and technical requirements and translated them into a user-friendly, refined, professional site which is conceptually simple and cohesive.

I have no hesitation in recommending the website design services of Digital Tsunami to any business .. that needs a stand-out online presence.

Glenn Murray
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Quotation Mark

We were very happy with the development process and the outcome. The objectives have all been achieved, in terms of usability and ease of use in updating the site. You definitely nailed both of these.

Rupert Blatch
National Sales & Marketing Manager
Port Kembla, NSW, Australia
Quotation Mark

In taking the time to understand our business, industry and vision, Digital Tsunami created a site which strongly reflects our leadership position in the international market and our strategic direction.

Digital Tsunami's expertise in visual design, information architecture, innovative communication and evocative business writing, resulted in an extremely effective website which will contribute to our continuing expansion across the globe.

Travis Taylor
Communication Coordinator
Stapylton, Queensland, Australia
Quotation Mark

I worked with Andrew on a photography project that involved a high level of visual complexity for a multinational client. Andrew was clear and professional in his briefing, but at the same time, was open to other ideas and approaches.

Chris Shain
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Images for Business
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