The image sharing site Pinterest, has become second only to Facebook in terms of importance for referral links. In the first quarter of 2014, Pinterest drove 48.36% more traffic than it did at the end of 2013! This fact was revealed in the “1st Quarter 2014 edition of the Shareaholic Social Media Traffic Report”, published …Read More…

On Monday 7 April 2014, a widespread issue in a central component of Internet security was disclosed. Registered in the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures system as CVE-2014-0160, the vulnerable code, called ‘Heartbleed’, had been adopted for widespread use upon the release of OpenSSL version 1.0.1 on March 14, 2012. The vulnerability, could allow attackers to …Read More…

Over the 3 years to Q4 2014, time spent watching video on handheld devices has increased by 719%. The Global Video Index Q4 2013, just released by Ooyala, has revealed record growth of video viewing on smartphones and tablets. As predicted in Q1, growth over the year doubled. In Q4, the time consumers spent watching …Read More…

The majority of Australians (82 per cent), now spend an average of 23.3 hours online, each week. This is revealed in the “2013 Australian Connected Consumers Report” a comparative study of Australian connected consumers in 2003 and 2013, has been published by global information and measurement company, Nielsen. Cross-Platform Research Director at Nielsen, Melanie Ingrey, stated: “Australians …Read More…

In 2014, the number of smartphones in use globally is anticipated to exceed the number of PCs. The annual sales of smartphones exceeded desktop computers in 2013. PCs in use around the globe number more than 1.5 billion, and they are generally used for a longer span than smartphones, (which are more frequently replaced, as new …Read More…

In a sunburnt country, a land of ‘droughts and flooding rains’, a government water management authority has launched a new responsive web presence which effectively communicates the complexity of environmental water (e-water) management. E-water is a share of water which is specifically and purposefully managed by humans to benefit the environment, by either reserving water …Read More…

A new web presence has just launched for Foodbank Victoria, a state-wide logistics supplier, providing a warehousing and distribution conduit between the food producers, manufacturers and retailers and the hundreds of charities and community groups which feed hungry families and individuals across the state. Foodbank Victoria is part of Foodbank in Australia, the largest hunger relief organisation in …Read More…

Last year, we predicted that the three most critical promotional tools for the year were mobile social media video This proved true, and these three will remain essential in 2014. However, the success of each has necessitated even greater effectiveness to attain cut-through in markets where there is massive competition for customer attention. Here are …Read More…

As we approach the end of an exceptionally productive year at Digital Tsunami, we are just completing the migration of our web hosting to a private node in an Australian, Tier III, carrier-grade data centre. Our node has 64GB RAM, which is distributed between multiple ‘private clouds’; exclusive ‘private clouds’ for some of our publicly listed …Read More…

Canberra based civil construction firm, Group One, has embraced new technology to simplify and improve workplace health and safety (WHS) monitoring activities. Supervisors have been supplied with iPads and can access custom developed applications from worksites across the ACT. Supervisors use the iPads on site to undertake inspections, monitor plant, complete Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS), …Read More…