All the image measurements for your brand’s social media presence, in one (extensive) infographic. For more graphical information, search our recent infographic blogs or visit our Pinterest board. Source:

All the image measurements for your brand’s social media presence, in one (extensive) infographic. For more graphical information, search our recent infographic blogs or visit our Pinterest board. Source:
By now, you may have repeatedly heard that if Facebook was a country, it would be the third largest (by population) in the world. Facebook is a massive platform for brands. As a part of a customised eStrategy, Digital Tsunami counsels brands on the use of Facebook pages for their products and services, to access a global market of …Read More…
Musicians and performing artists are great users of social networks. The like / share / link functionality, the integraton of video, and the calls to action which link to websites and sales are ideal for promoting music. Digital Tsunami client Ru C.L (a.k.a King Ru) has just released video via his Facebook page. The video …Read More…
Corporate communications in 2013, I believe, with focus on three key areas: Mobile. Social. Video. The Internet is nearly 20 years old, so many aspects have become relatively mature, in terms of technology, suppliers and standards. SEO, CMS and Usability are familiar to most ‘C level’ executives and are generally well-researched and implemented. So where is …Read More…
Intensely concise, subliminal television advertisements (known as ‘blip-verts’), were released on an unsuspecting world in 1985. Some viewers died! Network 23, (responsible for creating blip-verts), went out of business a few years later. Blip-verts, Network 23 and the cyberpunk futuristic vision of “Max Headroom” were all fictional! However, the appetite in today’s developed society for ever-briefer snippets …Read More…
Erik Qualman (author of “Socialnomics”), has released a 2013 version of his now famous animated video, “Social Media Revolution“. Emphasising the astounding growth of social media, it includes examples like the Facebook launch of the Ford Explorer, which generated more traffic than a Superbowl ad! To have delivered more traffic than this behemoth, is an …Read More…
Is there a difference between your mindset when using a professional network and a social network? Not only has LinkedIn said “Yes“, but has produced an infographic to explain the rationales and provide insights into our behaviours. Source: LinkedIn
How do you measure the success of your web presence? Google Analytics? Sales? The phone ringing? Digital Tsunami offers a professional, objective and FREE website evaluation service. 50 criteria are checked on your current website and extended web presence, and collated into 4 categories: Content Usability SEO Social Media Criteria measured include the freshness, clarity and …Read More…
As the use of social networks increases, so to do the methods of measuring influence. Three platforms which evaluate your social activity and influence are Klout, Kred and PeerIndex. Social tools give individuals a mass-broadcast platform, which is more networked and therefore offers a potentially broader audience than any soapbox, pulpit, microphone, newspaper or television broadcast. …Read More…
Why are so many infographics based on social networks and business? Simply because social networks are so critical to marketing and the numbers just keep increasing. Plus, they make for great visuals! This infographic from the folks at SDL | SM2 concisely presents and evaluates the top nine social media networks for business. Companies are increasingly utilising YouTube …Read More…