Foodbank responsive site
Foodbank in Australia is a national logistics supplier, providing a warehousing and distribution conduit between food producers, manufacturers and retailers and the hundreds of charities and community groups which feed hungry families and individuals across all states and territories.
As the largest hunger relief organisation in the country, Foodbank last year distributed nearly 35 million meals to Australians in crisis. Digital Tsunami has supported the organisation since first developing a web presence for Foodbank NSW in 2001.
This responsive, fourth iteration of the Foodbank site dramatically features a welcome page image grid, which adjusts content and positioning, subject to the device on which it is viewed. The semi-autonomous state and territory bodies have the flexibility to adjust their site’s key messages and calls to action, specific to four different browser widths.
The site contains full-screen vectored background images, dynamic statistics, integrated videos, archived publications, donation forms with secure e.commerce, and hierarchical access to a sophisticated and easy-to-use WordPress content management system (CMS).
Client: | Foodbank in Australia |
Solution/s: | online |
Sector/s: | healthcare, logistics |
Region/s: | Asia/Pacific |
Language/s: | English |
Scope: | responsive web design, responsive web development, web hosting |
Features | responsive, WordPress CMS |
From Our Clients

I could not be more delighted. Once again Thank You. You and your team at Digital Tsunami have been incredible.

Clients have really appreciated the video .. sales staff are so pleased to have this tool. It is very empowering to show.

Foodbank has experienced unprecedented growth .. there is no doubt that the new Foodbank website, designed, built and maintained pro bono by Digital Tsunami, has been the principle tool in lifting Foodbank's profile. It is because our website is so engaging, that we have captured these donations. Foodbank just wouldn't be where we are today without Digital Tsunami.

.. organised, meticulously detailed and yet flexible - always serving client needs to the highest standards. From a client perspective, you can expect high quality, timely completion and minimal fuss.

This is fantastic. Thank you. I really appreciate all the work you have done for us!