For years*, we’ve known the benefits of having a responsive site. In a mobile world, there’s immense value in having a responsive site. Now Google will punish you if you don’t. .. On 21 April, Google will implement its latest mobile algorithm, which will penalise non-responsive sites in mobile search. Brands with non-responsive sites may find hard-earned keyword ranking and high search results page positions plummeting. You …Read More…

Increasingly, companies are embracing the importance of engaging in a conversation on social media, in order to build brand recognition and communicate directly with consumers. But faced with a plethora of platforms, many are asking us, “Which social media are relevant to my company?” Our answer is that whilst there is no ‘cookie cutter’ formula, the choices you …Read More…

More people on the Internet are communicating via social media than ever before, and Facebook is the most popular platform. In the first quarter of 2013,  over half the world’s Internet connected population is using Facebook! Using data collated by Global Web Index, Statista has just released a chart of the world’s ten largest social media sites by …Read More…

All the image measurements for your brand’s social media presence, in one (extensive) infographic. For more graphical information, search our recent infographic blogs or visit our Pinterest board. Source: