Corporate communications in 2013, I believe, with focus on three key areas: Mobile. Social. Video. The Internet is nearly 20 years old, so many aspects have become relatively mature, in terms of technology, suppliers and standards. SEO, CMS and Usability are familiar to most ‘C level’ executives and are generally well-researched and implemented. So where is …Read More…

The FUJITSU Group has continued its constant pursuit of innovation, with a responsive web / mobile site named Technology Perspectives. With the visual style of Pinterest, the structure of a blog and the technological expertise of one of the world’s largest information and communication technology (ICT) companies, this is a platform of exceptionally interesting information. …Read More…

As the use of social networks increases, so to do the methods of measuring influence. Three platforms which evaluate your social activity and influence are Klout, Kred and PeerIndex. Social tools give individuals a mass-broadcast platform, which is more networked and therefore offers a potentially broader audience than any soapbox, pulpit, microphone, newspaper or television broadcast. …Read More…

Why are so many infographics based on social networks and business? Simply because social networks are so critical to marketing and the numbers just keep increasing. Plus, they make for great visuals! This infographic from the folks at SDL | SM2 concisely presents and evaluates the top nine social media networks for business. Companies are increasingly utilising YouTube …Read More…

[two_third] In a congested marketplace, Digital Tsunami helps brands to achieve cut-through for their message. We render the complex simple, and help you engage with your audience. Your corporate online environment may extend beyond a sophisticated web presence with a content management system (CMS) and search engine optimisation (SEO), to complex functionality delivered via software as a …Read More…

[two_third] A wholistic e.Strategy is invaluable for communication with all your stakeholders. Digital Tsunami can audit and assess all client, supplier and internal communications in electronic and print media, then recommend actions to be implemented for maximum consistency, efficiency and revenue generation. [/two_third] [one_third_last] Latest Project [portfolio_list count=”1″ extra=”time” cat=”estrategy”] Latest Blogs Read blogs related to strategy …Read More…