Digital Tsunami offers an extensive range of solutions. It is rare that a client requires ALL these are delivered within a single project, however recently this was the case. In July, founder of Digital Tsunami and veteran marketing professional Andrew W Morse, was commissioned as Creative Director for the promotion of 168 luxury apartments in …Read More…
Search Results: investment
Fearless is an annual conference for female business owners and managers, convened by the Australian Business Club for women, She Business. Fearless 2015, to be held on 2 December at the waterfront Crystal Palace, Sydney, will feature prominent businesswomen as speakers and conversation leaders. In 2014, Digital Tsunami developed a responsive microsite to a design by Sydney creative agency Studio Popsicle. Developed …Read More…
Digital Tsunami has launched the 2015 online Annual Review, Financial Report and Property Portfolio of the Investa Office Fund (ASX:IOF). This site is the second which Digital Tsunami has developed to the instructions of Sydney creative shop Design Davey. Managed by Investa Property Group, the IOF is one of the largest office real estate companies in Australia and a leading residential and …Read More…