XTEK expansion



XTEK Limited is a leading provider of personal protective equipment and advanced technologies for military and law enforcement clients, worldwide.

An Australian listed company (ASX:XTE), XTEK has recently consolidated its corporate structure and updating its online presence to more accurately reflect and service its international capabilities and clients, after acquiring a continental US manufacturer of ballistic products.

An initial step in this process was the registration of domain names. Digital Tsunami made suggestions of appropriate top level domain names, and amongst those registered were XTEK.global, XTEK.group, XTEK.technology and HighComArmor.global.

The new website is clean, responsive and well-segmented with a contemporary style. Built on a client usable CMS, the site offers extremely high user experience and efficient multi-point navigation. The XTEK group website was launched at the AGM in 2022.



Client: XTEK Limited
Solution/s: web
Sector/s: manufacturing, safety & security,
Region/s: Americas, Asia/Pacific, EMEA
Language/s: English
Scope: consulting, website design, web development
Features photo galleries, secure staff login, footer links, CMS, video production

From Our Clients

Quotation Mark

(We) took a fairly substantial audit of .. sophisticated sites both technically and creatively .. Out of six prominent designers, Digital Tsunami stood out.

The quality of the images, the sophisticated management of text .. together with smooth animations makes (our) website of very high calibre.

I would personally rate this site in the top 2 percent of world wide web sites today.

Paul McCloskey
Dural, NSW, Australia
Quotation Mark

Thanks very much for the speed & professionalism with which you continue to service our needs, despite the fact that this is provided pro bono !

Your ongoing generosity in donating the services of Digital Tsunami to Foodbank is appreciated more than you know. We, and the 30,000 people a day you help us feed, are indebted to you.

Bronwyn Boekenstein
North Ryde, NSW, Australia
Quotation Mark

Andrew helped us to see the potential of video in bringing our new website to life.

He held our hand through the process, making it as undaunting as possible.

He delivered a great selection of videos (from a one-day shoot), that really tell the Foodbank story and will be a great addition to our communications.

Sarah Pennell
Business and Communications Manager
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Foodbank Australia
Quotation Mark

Andrew W Morse and the Digital Tsunami team are world class, creative professionals in the challenging and highly competitive business of web page design and utilisation.

He understands business, he understands marketing, he understands communication and he understands design. And most importantly, his web pages pay for themselves within weeks of going online.

Laurie K. Gilbert
Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
Quotation Mark

Clients have really appreciated the video .. sales staff are so pleased to have this tool. It is very empowering to show.

Anisa Meriem Telwar
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Anisa International