Craig Ballistics identity



Craig International Ballistics is a leading supplier of body armour to the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and Police Forces.

With an innovative approach to engineering, ISO:9001:2008 certification and a commitment to research and development, the company has earned a reputation for reliability, quality and performance in the supply of aircraft and marine armour panels, armoured vehicles, structural armour, covert and tactical body armour.

Craig International Ballistics is the leading Australian manufacturer of combat-proven body armour systems. After developing body armour for the ADF in East Timor, the DMO began purchasing body armour for troops in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Craig International has now supplied over 100,000 Soft Armour Inserts (SAI) and hard ballistic plates to both Defence and Local Police Forces and is the largest supplier of police body armour in Australia.

The company also specialises in manufacturing armoured Cash in Transit Vehicles and is a distributor of ballistic resistant glass for vehicles including the Bushmaster.

In the first step to delivering a new web presence for Craig International Ballistics, Digital Tsunami has developed a new bold identity.

Within the global environment of crowd-sourcing, Digital Tsunami managed the briefing and selection of logos from scores of graphic designers worldwide. The client’s selection was a bold, contemporary and meaningful icon and robust font, which reflects the stature of the company.


Client: Craig International Ballistics
Solution/s: branding
Sector/s: automotive, aviation & aerospace, building, construction & engineering, manufacturing, safety & security
Region/s: Asia / Pacific, Australia
Language/s: English
Scope: identity development
Features logo refinement

From Our Clients

Quotation Mark

Thanks very much for the speed & professionalism with which you continue to service our needs, despite the fact that this is provided pro bono !

Your ongoing generosity in donating the services of Digital Tsunami to Foodbank is appreciated more than you know. We, and the 30,000 people a day you help us feed, are indebted to you.

Bronwyn Boekenstein
North Ryde, NSW, Australia
Quotation Mark

Thanks to you and the Taishan production crew. Andy and the rest of the team were outstanding. Their professionalism was evident the entire time and they seemed to build a nice relationship with the factory employees, which led to a real spirit of cooperation. My sincere thanks for a job extremely well done.

Stephen Pollack
Marketing Director
Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Kaba Mas
Quotation Mark

The MULS Executive is delighted with this aesthetically pleasing, user friendly site.

We found Digital Tsunami to be a full-service operation and we are satisfied with the products delivered: from the (identity), banners, business cards, letterheads, to the student magazine.

Sebastian Hartford-Davis
Macquarie Park, NSW, Australia
Macquarie University Law Society
Quotation Mark

.. very knowledgeable, creative and patient while also pushing me to work through the many decisions such a project involves.

Corinna Sager
Montclair, New York, USA
Lifestyle International
Quotation Mark

The launch .. was a success. We were able to present this live on a Wireless connection during our Sydney, Australia sales conference on a location with very limited internet bandwidth. This proves the technology used .. renders light webpages which are easy to download on a browser.

Comments I've heard from our employees were all positive and reflected precisely what we were looking for: a simple but concise, clean and effective webpage.

We acknowledge the timeframe given to you was extremely short but nevertheless you have sucessfully delivered the project on schedule .. the critical success factor was communication and availability of Digital Tsunami's team.

I am very glad we were able to partner with such a professional team as yours and I am confident any other initiatives with you will be as successful.

Claudio Falcão Gomes
IT Manager
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Solvay Pharmaceuticals