Corporate Social Responsibility

Digital Tsunami takes a wholistic view to projects and to the world we share.

Our corporate philosophy is one of agility, stakeholder value and enhancing the quality of life in the communities in which we live and work.

In our commercial operations, we strive to adhere to high professional and ethical standards, ensure compliance with the spirit of the law, and deliver value to all our stakeholders.

We collaborate with clients and agencies all over the world and also with composers, photographers, filmmakers, designers and programmers beyond our core of skilled professionals in Sydney and Hong Kong. Digital Tsunami is currently contracting specialist programmers with exceptional expertise, who are based in Europe and the Americas.

We recognise the universal benefit of applying the triple bottom line (people, planet, profit), in the considered treatment of: our global environment; all our stakeholders; and those in society facing hardship and disadvantage.

In our primary CSR initiatives, Digital Tsunami delivers substantial pro-bono support to two charities.

For over a decade, Digital Tsunami has provided design, development, hosting and video production services to Foodbank Australia. Since 1999, the company has contributed many thousands of hours of service to this nationwide organisation which provides a logistics conduit between food producers, manufacturers and retailers and the charities which feed the hungry.

Since 1998, Andy Chan has assisted Helping Hand, which provides community support in Hong Kong, to enable elderly people to enjoy a rich and dignified life. Andy has produced photographic sessions for the annual fund-raising appeal and Digital Tsunami has donated product upon completion of television commercials.

Digital Tsunami encourages all our clients and suppliers to adopt a considered and comprehensive approach to the global and local environment and communities in which they operate.