For years*, we’ve known the benefits of having a responsive site. In a mobile world, there’s immense value in having a responsive site. Now Google will punish you if you don’t. .. On 21 April, Google will implement its latest mobile algorithm, which will penalise non-responsive sites in mobile search. Brands with non-responsive sites may find hard-earned keyword ranking and high search results page positions plummeting. You …Read More…

What should be the focus of marketing for your business this year? Certainly not some which we have identified in past years. Because by now, ALL brands should have a responsive site with SEO, be engaging in conversation with clients / customers, stakeholders and the public on social media and be utilising appropriate video solutions or apps on mobile. We believe …Read More…

communications solutions

Australian listed company XTEK Limited (ASX:XTE) is Australia’s homeland security specialist, providing high-quality protective security, tactical and forensics solutions to the government, law enforcement, military and commercial sectors. XTEK provides Document Examination systems to all Australian and New Zealand police forces. The company also provides these systems for passport and visa examination for most Australian …Read More…

Increasingly, companies are embracing the importance of engaging in a conversation on social media, in order to build brand recognition and communicate directly with consumers. But faced with a plethora of platforms, many are asking us, “Which social media are relevant to my company?” Our answer is that whilst there is no ‘cookie cutter’ formula, the choices you …Read More…

Today, typefaces are no longer the sole province of print media, but are read on a plethora of screen-based platforms; desktop and laptop computers, phablets, tablets, smartphones; as well as a diversity of specific e-Readers (including Cybook, Icarus, PocketBook, Pyrus, Nook, Kindle and Kobo)* People view Internet sites on handheld devices and read e-books on computers as …Read More…

The majority of Australians (82 per cent), now spend an average of 23.3 hours online, each week. This is revealed in the “2013 Australian Connected Consumers Report” a comparative study of Australian connected consumers in 2003 and 2013, has been published by global information and measurement company, Nielsen. Cross-Platform Research Director at Nielsen, Melanie Ingrey, stated: “Australians …Read More…

Digital Tsunami is a signatory to the Widelines ethics initiative. Widelines was launched in 2014, and immediately adopted by the Australian Web Industry Association (AWIA). As an AWIA business member, Digital Tsunami was invited to subscribe to the guidelines. Recognising universal value in the adherence to and promotion of industry standards, Digital Tsunami is committed …Read More…

As with any dynamic company, Digital Tsunami has many office addresses over the years. When the company was founded in 1996, we had a brilliant office with large private roof terrace in Wellington Street Central, Hong Kong. Our current Hong Kong office is in Two Chinachem Exchange Square, North Point. We have now migrated our …Read More…

Video has impact. Visually, emotionally, commercially and especially on SEO. For intensely visual humans, the power of strong video lies in converting images instantly into emotions. For search engines, conveying data by video elevates the ranking in organic search results. Three videos which I have presented recently in LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media, are …Read More…

In 2014, the number of smartphones in use globally is anticipated to exceed the number of PCs. The annual sales of smartphones exceeded desktop computers in 2013. PCs in use around the globe number more than 1.5 billion, and they are generally used for a longer span than smartphones, (which are more frequently replaced, as new …Read More…